“Throwing It All Away” is a Funk Rock track that I wrote and recorded a couple of years ago.
With a catchy chorus and funky riffs, make sure that you give it a listen! Check it out below, let me know what you think and remember to listen in HD!
Joshua David Bartholomew – Throwing It All Away
"Throwing It All Away" is a Funk Rock track that I wrote and recorded a couple of years ago. With a catchy chorus and funky riffs, make sure that you give it a listen! Check it out below, let me know what you think and remember to listen in HD!Written, Recorded and Produced by Joshua David Bartholomew.soundcloud.com/jdbartholomew/throwing-it-all-awayhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v09W5CaRYlAWEBSITE – www.jdbartholomew.comSPOTLIGHT – www.spotlight.com/cv/9098-0163-2281FACEBOOK – www.facebook.com/JDBartholomewActor/SOUNDCLOUD – soundcloud.com/jdbartholomew/YOUTUBE – www.youtube.com/user/JoshyBarth/
Posted by Joshua David Bartholomew – Actor/Musician on Friday, 31 August 2018